We aren’t Laura Ingalls

I grew up reading the Little House books. Laura Ingalls appreciated the small figurine or new fabric for a dress that she’d wear daily for a few years before she’d get a new one. Money wasn’t a common thing to have and it didn’t seem to matter much. Sure, she envied Nellie Olson’s dresses and candy but she was happy. Her toys were were small and few, handmade by pa. Entertainmant was books, not TV and computers. Today I question whether I need to bring my laptop if I go away for the weekend, and feel like I’m roughing it if I just take my Kindle and smartphone.

The Ingalls grew and raised their food, even selling farm foods. I don’t remember anyone but the mom preparing the food, so it wasn’t easy to just grab something from the refrigerator (or back then, ice box).

Heck I even remember growing up with candy and cookies as a holiday treat not something that I expected every day. True, some of my classmates may have had access to sugary treats and cereals but for me, they weren’t common. My mother kept a box or two of small candies hidden on the top shelf in the kitchen cabinet and occasionally a six pick of soda for when company came over but not for consumption by me. Of course when I got older I’d steal the candy occasionally and replace it by buying more from my allowance money. Generally candy and soda were not a monthly, certification mainly not daily thing. I had a few friends who had soda at their birthday parties so I assume they had access to it on a regular basis but for me I had soda only on the rare occasion s that I was at fast food restaurants or at the yearly family picnic. I remember going to a sleepover birthday party and having Hostess cakes for breakfast. Wow, I’d never had that and certainly not for breakfast.

I do remember the Pop Shoppe which was a store that sold all kinds of flavors of cheap soda. Somehow my mother thought this was a good deal and we got some. The bottles were heavy and study unlike today’s plastic bottles. A quick Google search shows that it was a Canadian company that crossed overhead Ito the US and was phased out in 1983.

Anyway, do we really need all this extra stuff? Life seemed so much simpler 100 years ago. Harder but fewer choices and pressures. Storms is what they feared, not terrorist attacks.

Yerba mate rules!

I love Yerba mate. it gives you energy without the caffeine jitters. I love the ritual of preparing it and the history of sharing it. I generally drink it by myself but I like the thought of it being a shared drink. I drink mate when I know I’m not going to be near a restroom, therefore don’t want any caffeine.

Mate is a dred green leaf product similar to green tea. Traditionally it was made in a small gourd.

Fill a container 2/3 full of the mate. Slightly compact the leaves. You can leave slightly angled so that you have fresher leaves for additional pours. Wet it with some cold water. Let it absorb into the leaves, then add hot water. sip it through a bombilla (a straw with filter holes to keep the mate out) and keep refilling with hot water until it becomes weaker tasting. You can add some grated lemon if you prefer. Generally, the person making the mate drinks the contents of the first cup then refills with hot water and passes the gourd to someone else.

Yerba mate has been used in South America for hundreds of years. Commonly used in Argentina and Brazil, it is becoming popular throughout the world. It’s high antioxidant value makes it possibly a healthier choice than tea or coffee.

Writing – Getting started again

Over the past year, or more, I’ve been having spurts of writing attacks where I write something, mostly nonsense daily for a few months, waiting for that muse to guide be along.

It hasn’t happened. While I enjoy being caught up in writing, I can’t seem to let myself be free to translate it into ideas. I’ve started taking online classes in writing about life stories and writing with your muse, among the many classes. They all have great information and lessons, but nothing has helped.

Regardless, it’s all about the journey. Writing makes you solidify your thoughts on life. It forces you to organize random ideas into something that can move you forward. It can turn into a list of whining complaints, but even that can help. once things are written down you can let them go and forget about them. an infant release.

I have a block to sharing thoughts and ideas with anyone. I was always the last to read my essays out loud in school. I just felt it was no one else’s business what was going on with me. Authors often change my mood or thoughts about something, so I suppose it goes the other direction as well. My ideas could change someone else.

I’ve always wanted to write, though so I guess I have to get over that fear of sharing. I guess this is a start. even though I haven’t shared this site with anyone.

Love of the ocean

I’m hooked. I’ve always been addicted to mountains but now the ocean has lured me in as well. I didn’t spend much time in or around the ocean growing up inland in Connecticut. There would be yearly trips where my parents would take me for a few days to Long Island, New Hampshire or Cape Cod but I would just play by myself in waist deep water, jumping over the breaking waves. I remember spending hours doing it but I don’t remember ever trying to swim or do any other activity at the beach.

I moved to New Jersey for college and there were a few trips to the beach but mostly to work on my tan. I do not tan. I did get a few nasty burns which may have added to my apathy toward the ocean. After settling in New Jersey after college, I began spending weekend days at the beach, mostly Seaside and Island Beach State Park. As a special treat, I would often stop at Grog’s Surf Palace to look at all the great surf gear. The only things I had reason to buy were t-shirts and flip-flops, but I’d go in there and dream.

Thanks to my brother, I was always fascinated by surfing but it never occurred to me that I could actually go out in the water and do it. I remember ‘practicing’ my pop-ups in the living room.A coworker in New Jersey did offer to loan me his long board but that would have been a weird situation.  My brother did buy me my first skateboard when I was about twelve and I spent many hours on it.




As an adult, I’ve only sporadicly waded along coastlines in Washington and Oregon. The water there is too cold to actually get in and I was content with soaking up the beauty fully clothed in REI gear.

/So, now I live in Hawaii and everything has changed. It was a few months before I was able to get in the water and it’s been a gradual progression but now I crave it the same way I crave being at Mt. Rainier. When I’m on my board, it’s just me out there with the sea creatures.




Already resting at the start in Makapuu.

A few weeks ago I went ocean kayaking for the first time. I was in a two person kayak, in the front position. My only experience with kayaking prior to this was many years ago on flat water. This was full on into the waves with wind blowing at me at 10-15 mph.


That’s me in pink at Sharks Cove on Moku Nui island, Oahu.

I went with a Meetup group that my roommate belongs to. There were seven of us in various types of kayaks. The leader of the group was quite well practiced in it but the rest of us had a wide range of ability. I had to learn on the go, watching what other people were doing.

Although we would stop occasionally to let everyone in the group catch up, it felt like a non-stop battle against the waves for four hours. While other people in the group were trading kayaks, I was trading paddles. I finally settled on one that felt a bit more comfortable about half way through the trip.

We went from Little Makapuu on the windward side of Oahu to Na Mokalua (meaning ‘two islands’ in Hawaiian) and Lanikai, where was soul surfer movie filmed. The scenery was beautiful. The Koolau Mountains are to the left, and the Mokes are straight ahead. For hours, the islands did not seem to get any closer, but we eventually landed on Moku Nui.

We stopped at Shark’s Cove on the back side of the island. Bob, the group leader said that conditions are rarely good enough to enter Shark’s Cove but that conditions seemed good and that we could give it a try. I would never attempt it on my own, but the whole group of us entered the cove through a narrow opening between the rock faces. Once inside, there was just enough room for us to all fit and enjoy the rise and fall of the water as the waves crashed in. Some people ventured out of their boats to climb the rocks and jump into the pool. It’s an amazing spot that I will never forget.


beach on Moku Nui

After that we paddled to the other side of the island to take a rest on the sandy beach.  As you can see from the photo, we weren’t the only ones enjoying the sunny Saturday.

After resting, it was even harder to make the short distance to Lanikai but I made it. Eight miles was a bit much for my first trip but it was a great experience.

Adaptive skiing, Durango style

Last month, I went skiing for the first time in at least fifteen years. A friend recommended  a group that he participates with that takes challenged people out on the slopes. They have a scholarship program and I am excited to say that I was a recipient of one of these scholarships. The group is Adaptive Sports Association http://asadurango.com.  There’s a great video on the home page of all the sports they are involved in.

Everybody at ASA Durango was friendly and helpful in making me feel comfortable about trying a new sport, adaptive style. They have several different types of standing and sitting skiing devices for different types of ability. It was four days of fun on the slopes and having host share her home and town with me made it extra special.

pink helmet

Being towed on my snow slider. Gotta love the pink helmet!

The first day, the volunteers spent time fitting me first with a ski slider which is like a walker with skis. Your arms are held to the poles/walker by arm cuffs. After a few pushes down the hill, I decided this style was too exhausting for me. I wasn’t standing up straight enough so it was a constant battle to keep my feet going as fast as my arm poles.

We reevaluated back at the ASA building where I was fitted with snowboarding boots and a ski bike.The ski bike was a little intimidating at first. I wondered how  this heavy piece of equipment  and I were going to get off a ski lift. The lift has always been my biggest fear about skiing, even when my legs where fully functioning. It turned out not to be a problem. My instructors brought me to the bunny hill and told the operator to slow the lift by 50% at the bottom and top. We moved forward, sat down on the chair, an instructor placed the bike across our laps, pulled the safety bar down and away we went. Getting off took a bit of coordination. As we approached the top, the instructor to the left of me placed the bike seat between my legs while the one on the right helped me stand up. Then it’s just a matter of falling forward onto the bike and sliding down the ramp. After a few runs, the fearful squeaks coming out of my mouth turned into “Wee!”

Over the next few days my skills progressed so that I could make turns and control my speed with security of being tethered to an instructor if I needed help. By the fourth day, exhaustion had set in and I learned what everyone has to learn at some point, how to fall. I did that quite a bit on the last day but we laughed about all the way from the top of the mountain. The views were so beautiful, the sun was out and I was SKIING!

ski bike

First day on a ski bike.

Going from Hawaii to Colorado in the middle of winter a concern for me but the weather was beautiful and I didn’t feel cold.  Hearing the crunch of snow and the comfort of fleece and cashmere and a cup of tea by the fire at the end of the day was perfect. As I expected, the exhilaration of being in the mountains and snow was enough to pull me through the learning curve of tackling a new sport.

It was an exhausting week of skiing, eating good food and socializing with wonderful people. When I got back to Hawaii, I could not get my head out of Colorado. I love the water sports I do on Oahu but my heart is in the mountains and I can’t wait to get back there.

 Nadine, Alanna, Sheri

Scholarship recipients Nadine, Alanna and Sheri at the ASA Durango dinner.



Hawai’i Adaptive Paddling Association

I stumbled upon an outrigger canoe group for people with disabilities on Oahu this weekend. I just signed up at their booth and after a quick lesson in paddling, got in a canoe and was off.

The group is Hawai’i Adaptive Paddling Association and they take people out on six person canoes. They leave Kailua Beach and paddle out to Flat Island and try to catch waves on the way back to the beach. http://www.hawaiiadaptivepaddling.com

Paddling is hard work! I always thought it looked difficult when watching from shore but now that I’ve done it, I know it’s hard. It takes coordination to keep in time with the other paddlers and switch sides at the calls. I found that I was much more coordinated when paddling on my left side. I felt pretty clumsy on the right side but I got a little better by the end of the day.

On my second trip out, we hit a wave as we were leaving the sand and took in a bit of water. Two of the crew spent several minutes bailing the canoe out with plastic scoops. The swell had picked up and I was a bit more off balance on that run but it was definitely good exercise.

I didn’t see any turtles out there this time but I will be looking again next month.


1st canoe


Prone paddle boarding – learning and adapting with a disability

I started prone paddle boarding about four months ago. As a disabled person, being out on the water is a time of freedom from my handicap. I’ve only been out on the board seven times so far but I think i’m hooked. It’s challenging enough to keep me interested without the frustration of limitations.

first paddle

My first time on a prone paddle board.

My disability, multiple sclerosis, affects my body primarily through my legs and thinking ability. I can walk short distances with a walker but my legs are weak. Temperature changes and over-exertion effect me sometimes hours or days after the occurrence. Therefore I tend to be cautious about long workouts. Since I’m not fighting to make my legs work, paddle boarding allows me to increase the duration of my workouts.

The biggest logistical problem is finding help to get me in the water. Walking on sand may seem nice to some people but for be it’s quicksand and my feet feel like they weigh 50 lbs. They make water wheelchairs and those can be useful if you have a big truck and help to get you in and out  of it but for me the easiest way if I only have one helper is to walk in holding on to the arms of a friend that is walking backwards in front of me.

Getting out is another story. I tend to just scoot backwards on my butt until it’s shallow enough for someone to pull me up to standing. Then if my walker is parked close by I can slowly inch my way through the sand. The walker doesn’t roll in the sand so I have to pick it up and move it forward before I take a step. This technique can cause accumulation of sand in your clothes and shoes so I’ve started wearing bicycle type shorts and closed water shoes. That keeps the sand collection to a minimum.

Each time I’ve gone out on a board, I’ve learned something new. I’ve discovered the imbalances in my muscles so now I am focusing on how to correct that and improve all aspects of my life. My fear and ignorance of the ocean is decreasing. I’m learning new ways to get in the water and on the board.

I’ve also been motivated to get stronger so I can paddle better. I’ve been working on my swimming skills, balance and arm strength. Sure, I could have done those things without paddle boarding but I needed the boost of wanting to participate in the sport.

Right now I’m borrowing a board that was modified for someone else and while it’s great to practice on, eventually I will get a customized board of my own. I had to use the wrong board a few times to figure out what I need. My hope is that with the right board, I’ll be able to go farther and longer than I can right now.

board on car

My borrowed custom Bark board.

As you can see from the photo, handles have been added to the sides which allows me to load onto the board from the back and pull myself forward. This board also has a chest pad and chin block. I’ve played around with these and haven’t really found them to be that helpful for my particular disability.

Every person’s disability is different and it’s great to learn from other’s discoveries and mistakes but ultimately for things to work as smoothly as possible, you just have to get out and experiment for yourself.

Twenty years with a furry roommate.

ShastaTwenty years ago, I was fairly new to Seattle and didn’t know many people. I saw an ad on my job’s internal site for a two year-old cat that needed a home. I’ve always wanted a dog but since I’d never had any pet before, I thought a cat would be easier and good training for a dog.

I contacted the woman and made an appointment to meet Shasta. In my mind, I was just going to check it out but had no intention of taking her home with me. I really had no experience with cats at all. When I got to the apartment, I met the two sisters that had five cats. They were downsizing. As I sat on their couch, I looked at the fur matted carpet and told myself I would never have a carpet that looked that bad. I didn’t but I did learn about the velcro power of cat fur.

It wasn’t long before a small, shy, tailless cat hopped onto my lap and the next thing I knew, I was walking out to my car with her. That was the start of my relationship with Shasta. I had to stop at the drugstore on the way home to buy a litter box and food. That’s when I learned that my new roommate was quite a talker and LOUD!

Once I got her back to my apartment she went  under the couch and for the next few days I only got glimpses of her cowering under furniture. It took a bit of coaxing and bribing but we eventually became friends.

After she’d been with me for a month or so, I had to leave town for a week. Not knowing anyone, I just left her alone with a big bowl of food and a clean litter box. She was fine when I got back and for many years that’s how I took care of her. If you own an airbnb that’s pet-friendly, then you know how these babies shed a lot. I really wanted to hire cleaning services like the ones airbnbs hire almost everyday.

We did our own things and occasionally checked in with each other. Still, it was nice to have someone to talk to and do yoga with.

I assumed all cats would want to go outside but not this one. After she’d live with me for a few months, I decided to let her out. Again, with lots of bribes, after a few weeks, she walked out my front door. She never went farther than a few feet and ran back inside at any sound.

I moved from that apartment several months later, to a two story house with a second floor balcony. It had a high, solid railing around it so I put her out there while we were moving things in. Well, that was the last I saw of her for about three days. Eventually, I heard meows coming from under the front stairs and we were reunited    .Shasta

Over the course of twenty years, Shasta and I lived in ten different places, nine in Washington and one in Hawaii. She learned to tell the signs of an impending move and adapted quickly to her new homes. The move to Hawaii was a bit of an ordeal but once she did her inspection of the place, I think see liked it. The heat was good for her creaky legs.

She was raised more like a dog. She liked fetching treats. She did a morning wake-up call around 5:30 am, singing songs as loudly as possible in front of my bedroom door. She acquired several nicknames – Shlumpy, Petunia, Bubba Jo and her favorite-Galactic Princess of the Universe. She was my pup.

The last few years of her life, she became a high maintenance girl, but we both adapted and I think she was content. As she got older, we got closer, spending more time together. She hadn’t been a lap cat but she learned to appreciate the attention. We understood each other and she taught her human well.

My best friend, Shasta


1992 – 2014

Surf ski vs. Wave ski

I’ve been trying to figure out what my Hawaii sport is going to be. I tried the prone paddle boarding but I’m not sure that’s for me since lying on my stomach sometimes causes my back and legs to spasam. It’s true that I’ve only tried that three times and while the first time with coaches was fun, once I got in the water by myself it was a lot harder. There’s a learning curve that I haven’t concurred.

Doing sports, especially water sports alone isn’t an option for me since I need help getting into the water. I don’t have the strength to walk in the sand on my own. Once I’m on the board I’m fine. If I fall in, the board I’ve been using is specially modified with handles so I can pull myself back on. The problem is finding people willing to help get me on the board and go paddling with me. I’ve been fortunate enough to have a few members of a local group go out with me a few times. I’m still trying to get the hang of it, but I’m improving.

So now I’m looking into wave skiing. A wave ski is  sort of a sit down surf board. There is a seatbelt around your waist and your feet are held down with straps.


I haven’t actually done it yet but there is one for sale on Craigslist. I say that because I don’t think there’s any place on Oahu that rents them. I contacted AccesSurf and they are considering doing monthly clinics so maybe I’ll get on one soon.

A surfski is similar to a wave ski but it’s more like a kayak with more of a molded bowl seat and foot activated rudders. I tried one once in a creek, but I think waves would intimidate me. They are really tippy and I’m not sure I’d be able to get back on out in deep water.


For now, I’ll wait for an opportunity to give a wave ski a test and maybe get back on a surf ski once more before ruling that out completely.